Lou Federico

Book Buy Book – Episode 5

Our newest episode of “Book Buy Book” is now available on our YouTube channel!!!! what’s “Book Buy Book”?? you may be asking yourself if you are new to “The Pint”, Read More

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Four Color Spotlight Episode 3!!!!

Holy Cow Everyone!!! it’s been a minute since yours truly has been wrapped up in Pint goodness. Unfortunately real life has a habit of invading our fun, and for a Read More

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Of Marks and Men – 2/10/20 RAW

OK look, I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t watched or read anything about wrestling since Monday of last week, I took some time for me, and did some raiding with Read More

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Movie Point Of Lou – Birds Of Prey

Hey remember Suicide Squad?? yeah neither do I, it was a crap fest, but the one bright spot to come out of it was Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Harley Quinn, Read More

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Of Marks And Men – 2/3/20 RAW

Monday night… time for RAW, I didn’t watch Smackdown on Friday as it was a LONG overdue Raid Night with the homies, all I know there is it ended with Read More

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Raiders Of The Lost Longbox – Cyko Ko

In this edition of “Raiders Of The Lost Longbox” I am taking a look at a lighthearted three issue miniseries from Alterna Comics entitled “Cyko Ko”. Written and Illustrated by Read More

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Movie Point Of Lou – Contagion

I don’t know what it was… Be it all the panic about the Coronavirus outbreak, or my total love of Tom Clancy’s “The Division” video game series, but while scrolling Read More

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G.I. Gary Does A Thing!!!!

Alright!!!! Everyone’s favorite G.I. Joe Enthusiast our very own G.I. Gary has returned to our YouTube channel to regale us with yet another well researched video. This time he is Read More

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Of Marks And Men 1/29/20 – NXT & AEW

Damn, there just aren’t many nights off when it comes to wrestling : ), and we are back with another Wednesday night war!!! On the NXT side we will finally Read More

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Of Marks And Men – 1/27/20 RAW (Royal Rumble Fallout Show)

OK, we. are. back. and only 12 hours later… damn it’s been a busy few days with all the wrestling going on, and now we find ourselves on Monday night Read More

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