Of Marks And Men 1/29/20 – NXT & AEW

January 29, 2020 Author: Lou Federico

Damn, there just aren’t many nights off when it comes to wrestling : ), and we are back with another Wednesday night war!!!

On the NXT side we will finally find out who is challenging Adam Cole at Takeover Portland, Grizzled Young Veterans take on the Broserweights in the Dusty Rhodes Classic, Dakota Kai and Tegan Nox go head to head (this shit should be legit AF, as they have been building this up for quite a while), and we find out Keith Lee’s status.

AEW is featuring Bucs Vs. Butcher / Blade and Bunny. Santana / Ortiz and Jericho Vs. Private Party and Darby Allin. And Cody Vs. Kip Sabian. I’m sure we will hear from Moxley as well as he will be challenging Jericho at some point.

Big news from the week is the Suspension of Andrade for violating WWE’s wellness policy, it is a 30 day suspension which means he SHOULD be available for Elimination Chamber if they can get an angle together for him in time. If anything it will probably be the continuation of his feud with Carrillo.

OH!!! also the early word is that Charlotte will be facing Rhea Ripley at Wrestlemania, which honestly makes me happy as I couldn’t stand the thought of her facing Becky for the millionth time.

8:01 – I hope Moxley keeps the eye patch thing, it would be different and fun.

8:04 – Beth Phoenix addressing the Edge / Orton angle from Monday was perfect, helps sell it just that. much. more… and I hope her head is OK, she got busted the F open in the Rumble.

8:07 – Loving the intro for NXT, Balor Vs. Trent Seven is a great opening match, wonderful… Also LOVE the fact that they are capitalizing on World’s Collide by having Trent on NXT, so many new stars made that night!!!

8:18 – Finn’s chest is still FUCKED from last Saturday, holy cow.

8:25 – Shotzi Blackheart sure does have an elaborate entrance.

8:31 – Hell of a match between Blackheart and Purrazzo, was especially impressed with Purrazzo, I would love to see her work with Shayna, that would be pretty damn good. Matter of fact, I think WWE should consider a dedicated women’s show, even if it’s only on the App, they are definitely deep enough a division to have one.

8:40 – I love Keith Lee with the belt, dude deserves the FUCK out of that belt.

8:41 – Damian Priest, now here’s a guy i did not miss…

8:50 – I shut off AEW, honestly I was just not finding any of it exciting. I’m all in on NXT for the remainder of the evening. That show is just a rough watch some nights.

9:02 – It always makes me happy when the wrestlers put the safety locks down on the tables when they set them up, you can never be too safe in this world.

9:05 – Fantastic Image Ciampa on his knees over the belt blood pouring out of his forehead onto the center of the “X” on the belt. I know it was completely unintentional but sometimes… happy accidents….

9:19 – What a vicious match between Nox and Kai, short and brutal, and I’m not gonna lie, if Kai doesn’t have a concussion after hitting that ring post I’ll be amazed, she hit it at about 100 MPH.

9:25 – You know your women’s division is deep when someone as talented as Kayden Carter is a glorified jobber.

Well that aged poorly, Carter gets her FIRST WIN on NXT T.V. …. NICE!!!!! she deserves it!!!!, and good on Chelsea for putting her over

9:43 – In the middle of the Dusty Cup Final, and my original statement stands… The Broserweights fucking rule, and need to win ALL the belts.

9:51 – I totally forgot that the Dusty Cup winners get the shot at UE at Takeover Portland, so now I’m thinking that Broserweights will win, doesn’t make much sense to have a primarily UK team get the shot. GYV will probably go back to NXT UK and get their shot (which they more than deserve)

9:57 – Broserweights win!!!!! HELLS YES!!!!

So AEW was a bust for me, but NXT fucking BROUGHT it, fantastic show on all fronts, show never let up from the start, led off by the wonderful match between Trent Seven and Balor (THAT’S how good this show was, when Balor OPENS it). And a congratulations to the Broserweights on a fantastic victory once again. I can’t wait to see them vs. UE at Takeover Portland, that is gonna be insane!!!

Until Next Time Everyone

Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,


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