Of Marks And Men – 2/3/20 RAW

February 3, 2020 Author: Lou Federico

Monday night… time for RAW, I didn’t watch Smackdown on Friday as it was a LONG overdue Raid Night with the homies, all I know there is it ended with Roman and Corbin AGAIN… holy god they need to move on from that feud, and quite honestly, once again they need to stop relying on Roman EVERY. FRIDAY. NIGHT… let someone else shine for goodness sake.

Not totally sure what’s going on tonight as I haven’t seen anything yet, but I’m sure we will have some update on Edge after the brutal assault of Randy Orton at the end of last week. I’m sure we will hear from Seth, and KO is going to be needing a partner now that Samoa Joe is injured (I knew that dive last week looked bad)

Saw an article today (of course you can never believe everything you read on the internet) that says that HHH will NOT be the heir apparent to Vince when he finally steps down, but instead it will be Shane. THAT’s interesting, I mean I’m not surprised, he is Vince’s son, and he did grow up in the business so he knows it inside and out. And let’s be honest, maybe HHH is best served working with the younger generation like he has been, he’s built NXT into what many consider the best brand in the world, so why would they want to mess with that??

Also saw that WWE’s stock fell 21% overnight last week after the high profile departure of a couple of their key executives, interested to see how that plays out…

Not quite WWE front, but XFL starts this Saturday, I’ll definitely give that a look, hell, it can’t be any worse than back in 2000 right??

8:02- Wow I called that…. starting off the night with Edge…

8:04 – So I just saw that Salt Lake (Where RAW is tonight) has been pummeled by snow.. 8″ so far and rising, major props to everyone who made it to the show… damn…

8:07 – Calling it now… Orton is gonna say he did it to protect Edge, because he cares about him and doesn’t want him getting paralyzed.

8:11 – Loving the heat Orton is getting.

8:14 – That Orton segment was perfect, walks out, says nothing, baits the crowd, gets massive heat, and just walks away..

8:18 – So a triple threat between Seth / Ricochet / Lashley to see who faces Brock at Saudi… Gee I wonder who it will be…..

8:24 – So Ruby Riot is back… Intrigued to see her and Liv work together

8:37 – Mojo Rawley is the D-Man of WWE…

8:43 – So Domino’s commercial… Risky Business reference… I’m wondering how many people who saw that commercial were actually OLD enough to remember Risky Business was a movie??? This is the problem when you realize that you are at the top end of the Key Demographic… Fuck I’m old…

8:55 – Every Raiders match is literally THE SAME… I get it.. Ivar can do a carthweel… Jeez… let them call it in the ring for fuck’s sake.

9:15 – I’m not entirely sure that they know what to do with Aleister Black, dude is so freaking good, but they always seem to stall him out, not sure if they are slow burning him? I really don’t know.. it’s all fits and starts…

9:20 – I’m not really sure what that Aleister Black promo was supposed to be, it was odd…

9:29 – Angel Garza with Zelina Vega!!!!! FUCKING A YES!!!!!! My world is COMPLETE NOW!!!!

9:41 – Garza doing a fantastic job so far, he’s already built some heat in 15 minutes.. unreal.. dude is $$$ I’ve been calling it

9:45 – you know, it occurs to me, that with Brock holding the WWE title hostage, and Andrade suspended for a month, there are no singles titles on RAW right now. THAT is a problem… and why part time champions are problematic.

10:03 – Charlotte V. Rhea is the CORRECT OPTION, don’t fuck this up…. honestly they NEED to do it for NXT.. IF NXT is supposed to be equal, then they can’t look down on it.

10:30 – Becky really is the GOAT… she’s fucking amazing.

Alright, I’m tapping out, it’s bed time… I can’t make it, and quite honestly I’m not intrigued with the main event, so might as well call it early.

Until Next Time Everyone,

Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,


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