World of Greyhawk

Latest Pint O’ Comics Podcast

The Great Game, Harvester 25 – Patchwall 27, 596 CY


Previously, the Baron of Kron Kite and leader of the Fond of Justice (League) organized a rescue mission with the surviving members of a team of FoJ friends who were Read More

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The Great Game, Harvester 21-24, 596 CY


The group had been nearly wiped out due to a magical device in a tower of the Baron Zaro. After the loss of one more member, Morton took action to Read More

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The Great Game, Harvester 17-22, 596 CY (Including Days 5-9)


Following much debate and a regrouping of the entire party, they forewent any continued search for the Baron, who all now agree is a wampyr. Choosing instead to explore the Read More

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