Of Marks And Men – Wednesday Night War 11/20/19

Holy Crow!!! The Wednesday Go Home Show for NXT, and not just because of Survivor Series on Sunday, but also because of NXT’s OWN PPV on Saturday “War Games”!!! That’s right!!! There are 2 whole PPV’s this weekend!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!! Who of anyone will be showing up on NXT tonight??? Who will show up???
Meanwhile over on AEW the highlight match is obviously Moxley VS. Allin, that’s gonna be a barn burner!!! And it remains to be seen how Cody will respond to the betrayal of MJF during Full Gear.
But honestly, the largest news of the week may just come from NWA, where long time industry veteran and Powerrr commentator Jim Cornette resigned this morning due to insensitive and racist comments made on this past weeks show. When I heard that comment “live” I knew it wasn’t going to end well, and I wasn’t wrong.
In any event… On with the show!!!!
8:04 – Oh SHIT!!!! Rhea Ripley has answered Becky’s challenge!!!! This is gonna be amazing!!!!
8:09 – Meanwhile over on AEW Nick Jackson, and Rey Fenix are having a wonderful match, some amazing high spots!!!!
8:16 – DAMNIT!!! Why do SO MANY WWE matches have to end dirty???? Let them end CLEAN!!!! Although I love Becky and Rhea cleaning house on the Horsewomen!!! But honestly there would be no shame in Rhea losing to the CHAMP. That’s why she is the CHAMP!!!
8:18 – Revival Vs. Undisputed Era!!??!! TAKE MY FREAKING MONEY!!!!!
8:24 – HOLY SHIT my heart can’t take what’s going on on NXT tonight!!! Riddle VS. Ricochet!!!!!! To quote Good Ol JR. MY GAWD MY GAWD!!!!
8:29 – well the end of that Riddle / Ricochet match was a complete cluster, Cesaro and Nakamura run in, then Balor attacks Riddle, I guess I should just get used to all the matches ending dirty tonight, it’s to be expected as they are turning the heat up for Sunday
8:34 – you know one thing I really like about NWA, is that the United States Champion (think Intercontinental Title in WWE) is the #1 contender for the “10 LBS of Gold” I miss that being a thing.
8:34 – WE’VE GOT US AN ORANGE CASSIDY SIGHTING IN THE RING!!!! Holy cow!! And duuuuude Billy Gunn still looks INCREDIBLE, makes me feel like a fucking goon. Dude is easy a decade older than me and I am such a POS compared to him… I can’t wait to hit the gym again.. couple more weeks and recovery is over!!!!
8:47 – Sucks that MJF eliminated Orange Cassidy that way, I REALLY want to see the dude work, but I get it, they are building heat for him, and in that vein it worked.
8:54 – Just sitting here thinking that maybe it would have been better for NXT to be on Friday and Smackdown to be on Wednesday, NXT constantly being under pressure having to compete with AEW I don’t think serves it well, it’s consistently losing on the ratings, which makes it seem like a sub par product, which it ISN’T, it’s every bit as good, if not BETTER than AEW.
9:01 – HELL of a match between UE and Revival, damn that was top class!!! UE retains the belts, but man I was really thinking that Revival was going to win a couple of times there. I really couldn’t tell who was gonna win, which is what great matches are made of.
9:11 – Is it wrong to be so excited about a War Games match??? This Women’s war game match is gonna be absolute FIRE. NXT Does not GIVE. A. FUCK!!! They will go 10000000000% it’s going to be INSANE!!!
9:22 – I REALLY like the RAW and Smackdown branded hats that they are wearing down to the ring, and lets face it, as a big guy hats are a FAR safer bet than T-Shirts
9:35 – Now all we need is a Street Profits appearance and my night is done!!! This Raiders / Sons match is wonderful as well!!!
9:38 – I literally have ZERO idea how Ivar does what he does, dude is like 400LBS and moves like a cheetah, it’s insane!!!!
9:44 – Darby Allin comes to the ring with a Body Bag with “MOX” on it!!! That’s awesome!!!! This young man couldn’t be more over with the fans, and for that matter neither can Moxley!! Crowd is going INSANE.
9:57 – The level of passion and drive both the rosters of NXT and AEW have for their shows is infectious, you can’t help but LOVE both brands. They lay it ALL out. Especially Adam Cole, he is EVERYTHING YOU WANT YOUR CHAMPION TO BE!!! Not a part timer like Brock or Bray, dude is ALL CLASS. Dude is in a LADDER match on Wednesday, in a match on Saturday and I believe Sunday as well, that’s ridiculous!!!!
Well this week was ridiculous, unbelievable quality on both shows!!! Opinion: NXT was better… I know I know, I always gripe about dirty finishes, but I’m willing to give it a pass this week because of the build up, it fits the narrative, which is fine. But honestly I WANT clean finishes. Next up is Smackdown on Friday!! I may or may not be here due to some potential filming responsibilities, but regardless I’ll be recording my thoughts on both Saturday AND Sunday!! So stay tuned!!!
Until Next Time Everyone,
Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,
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