Of Marks And Men 12/15/19 – TLC

OK Sunday night…. time for some TLC (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs) we’ve had a few weeks of buildup, and quite frankly I’m pretty damn excited for this one. My matches to watch: The women’s Tag Team Championship between the Kabuki Warriors and Charlotte / Becky, and then Aleister Black Vs. Buddy Murphy. We all know that Bray V. Miz will be a squash unlessPre show they do something cool, and quite frankly Roman is winning against Corbin so there isn’t much hype for me there, even though they have built up to it REALLY well.
Pre show is something to watch as well as we are going to see Andrade Vs. Humberto Carillo, which honestly could be match of the night, why it’s on the Pre Show is beyond me. But in any any event… Here. We. Go.
6:26 – Seriously I have no fucking Idea why Carillo and Andrade is on the pre show, and for that matter why are they working the angle breaking up Zelina and Andrade? they work so well together.. Maybe they need Zelina to work with Carillo? he’s not that great on the mic because of the language barrier, so maybe they feel that in order to push him he needs a mouthpiece???? who knows???
6:42 – That match was FUCKING LEGIT!!!!!! holy cow!!! and the dissolution of Andrade and Zelina is almost complete. Obviously the rumors of Carillo’s push getting killed were GREATLY exaggerated, especially if they are giving him Zelina to talk for him.
7:01 – Anyone who has read any of these blogs knows that I’m not a fan of a part time champion, and no champion has been more “part time” than Brock Lesnar, and after his Survivor Series match against Rey, he has been totally absent from WWE TV, and didn’t even rate a booking at TLC, which is fucking pathetic, the least he could do is have ONE match every 4 weeks, is that too much to ask?? They really need to get the belt off him and onto someone who will actually be present.
7:15 – The shit that these dudes, and dudettes do to their bodies in these ladder / table / TLC matches is ridiculous, and they do it for OUR entertainment.
7:27 – Damn that was a match!!! Kofi and Big E retain in a match that featured some INCREDIBLE spots. How someone didn’t break a bone is beyond me.
7:33 – I’m so hyped for this damn match!!! Aleister Black Vs. Buddy Murphy is my match of the night!!! This shit is going to be incredible!!!
7:43 – Aleister Black’s nose is B.R.O.K.E.N. that shit is Jacked the fuck up, that shit’s is gonna hurt getting re aligned after the match. He’s pissing blood EVERYWHERE.
7:50 – That match was unreal!!!! It was everything that was advertised!!! my freaking god!!! HELLS YES!!! and an amazing spot to finish the match!!!
7:52 – Rusev wearing a Fezzik shirt!!! “Anybody Want A Peanut” with Andre on it!!! LOVE IT!!!! I want one!!!
8:02 – I really wish it would have been The Viking Raiders Vs. The Street Profits in this “Open Challenge” match, but I guess OC having actually beaten them before makes sense. I just need me my dose of Montez Ford…
8:11 – Well the double count out ending to that match was a complete wet fart. I hate when they do things like that, typical booking yourself into a corner.
8:22 – Roman had just as many boo’s as cheers coming out, I’ll tell you he is a textbook example of a stale gimmick, still wearing his Shield Gear, coming out to The Shield Music, and WWE continues to shove him down people’s throats, he really needs a gimmick refresh.
8:43 – Love the end of that match!!! Roman “loses” but not clean, and Corbin gains EVEN MORE heat, worked on multiple levels.
8:55 – WOW!!! a bold move by WWE having Bray come down to the ring NOT The Fiend!!!, I honestly like this!!!!
9:03 – OK… theory time… what if Daniel Bryan comes out as The Fiend?? It could work…
9:07 – OK Daniel Bryan didn’t come out as The Fiend but he did come out, as the OG Daniel Bryan!!! Yes Movement, short hair, complete face Daniel Bryan, and the crowd LOVED it!!! That match was fucking incredible, I can’t believe how good it was, Bray wrestling as Bray and not The Fiend was even MORE disturbing, I LOVED it!!!
9:23 – I’ll be glad to hopefully see the end of this Lashley / Rusev / Lana angle, it did manage to get the job done in getting Rusev over in a BIG way, and hopefully he can maintain the momentum, but it also gave us some of the worst segments that I can ever remember on WWF(E) TV history. Honestly I’m excited to see what program Rusev gets in next.
9:33 – Honestly I don’t know how I feel about the ending of that match yet… Lashley wins with Lana interference, Thinking it was kind of a flat ending for how it could have ended with a giant pop for Rusev. But it definitely keeps the heat building for Lana and Lashley…
9:43 – I love that the women have headlined MULTIPLE PPV’s this year, AND broken down barriers by having the first EVER women’s match in Saudi Arabia, WWE has truly become a full meritocracy, where the best matches get the best spots REGARDLESS of Sex / Gender. Becky is their #1, she DESERVES the top billing.
Well some people weren’t happy with the main event, but I liked it, it was chaos in the best way, only because it was a pure and simple grudge match, no strategy, no thought, just pure and simple brutality. Years of previous feuds coming to fruition tonight, and the best part, they actually let The Kabuki Warriors WIN!!! It was the right thing to do!!! I really enjoyed it. Overall it was a really solid PPV. The fallout will be interesting for sure.
Until Next Time Everyone,
Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,
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