Of Marks And Men – 12/11/19 NXT and AEW

December 11, 2019 Author: Lou Federico

Well that was fun, I had my intro all set for this edition of my blog, but my computer wigged out and it all disappeared, so I have to start all over.

In any event I’ve had a busy few weeks so my Wednesday night watching has been a bit lax, I’m behind on AEW and only got to watch about an hour of NXT last week (video production is tiring work)

The Wednesday night War has been heating up, last ratings I saw had both shows at about 800,000 viewers, with only a couple thousand viewers separating them. Kudos must go to both AEW for developing such a wonderful show so quickly, and WWE for turning NXT into a legitimate third brand in such short order!!!

Keith Lee is currently in the throws of a HUGE push lately, and tonight he is getting set to work a triple threat match against Tomasso Ciampa, and Finn Balor for the #1 contender to Adam Cole’s title.

I honestly wish I had more to say on these fronts, but like I said I’m a bit behind on the Wednesday shenanigans, but that’s about to CHANGE!!!

OH!!!! one last thing, I won’t be able to watch myself (Pint Work Beckons), but it’s important to note that NWA has their “Into The Fire” PPV this Saturday!!! if you preorder on Fite.TV it’s only $24.99!!! that’s INSANE!!! hop on that shit!!! NWA is a great promotion with a TON of hyper talented individuals, I look forward to POWERRRRR every week, and it’s going to be a long haul until their new season starts on Dec. 17th.

8:09 – So Angel Garza, and Lio Rush are frigging tearing it up, while Jericho just asked Moxley to join the Inner Circle, I can’t get enough of Garza and Rush, these two have put on some amazing matches.

8:17 – I dig The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny’s gimmick, very steampunk.. Yaaaas.. There’s not enough steampunk wrestlers.

8:21 – NEW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMP!!!!! fantastic!!!! Angel Garza!!!! all he had to do was take the pants off and he won!!! he’s like a wrestling Lincoln Hawk!!!! except it’s not his hat, it’s his pants…

8:25 – Never ceases to amaze me how OVER Cody Rhodes is, I can’t for the life of me understand why Vince never thought he could be a top guy.

8:31 – I still think they are going to use The Demon to finally beat The Fiend, that would be an incredible match.

8:35 – Angel Garza just proposed to his girlfriend after winning his title, damn that was fantastic. That’s some great stuff!!

8:36 – MJF is literally a dude you build a brand around, he is LEGIT, he’s gonna be a SUPERSTAR. This promo he is cutting is WORLD CLASS.

8:43 – you know your TV producers are having a nightmare when the crowd is swearing so loudly and so profusely that they have to keep cutting the sound off so they don’t get fined. Poor AEW, at some point they are going to get nailed with that. The whole night has sounded terrible because of it.

8:48 – OK, so you go on a show called TEMPTATION ISLAND, where the entire goal is to test your relationship, but you hook up ON CAMERA with some strange, which they then show your girlfriend… and then she says to you “I shouldn’t have to see that”…. DUDE… you took your boyfriend on TEMPTATION ISLAND!!???!! WTF did you think was going to happen????

8:53 – Heel Kai is best Kai, but her Aqua Net usage has increased CONSIDERABLY in the last couple of weeks, I’m not sure why her being a heel has translated to 80’s Bon Jovi fan hair, nevertheless here we are.

8:58 – NXT women’s division is 1000X better than AEW’s, they need to improve that.

9:01 – I don’t know why every AEW backstage promo looks like they are using portrait mode on an Iphone 11, but it does, somebody LOVES blurring out the background.

9:05 – Why is Kenny Omega in the mid-card? what the fuck is that about????

9:08 – Dakota Kai just got her head smashed against a table that didn’t break, she is NOT OK, she got F’d up BAD.

9:17 – Contrary to what many would think, Breezango vs. Singh Brothers is a great booking, it will fly under the radar on the night, but it shouldn’t

9:28 – I can’t believe they are putting a match like Baszler and Ripley on TV, that is a PPV quality match we are getting next week, NXT is not adverse to having belts change on TV, so we may actually see a new champ!!!

9:30 – I love Sammy Guevara, but honestly him vs. Luchasaurus is a match I couldn’t give a fuck about.

9:38 – Young Bucks Vs. Santana and Ortiz in a Texas Street Fight would normally be my match of choice, UNLESS You put Keith Lee, Finn Balor, and Tomasso Ciampa in a ring together… Oh yeah…. we know what wins.

9:43 – I’m putting my laptop down for this match, I’ll see you on the other side….

10:06 – Well holeeeee sheeeeeeit!!! That match was as advertised, not just because Finn won!!! but because next week we get Finn Vs. Adam Cole. Yeah you know where I’ll be…

Until Next Time Everyone,

Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,


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