Terrificon is Connecticut’s answer to the Boston and Rhode Island Comic Con’s, but unlike those other two, Terrificon has managed to keep its feet rooted firmly in tradition (comics) while growing exponentially each and every year. This time around the venue was the brand new Mohegan Sun Expo Center, a beautiful facility that was more than up to the challenge of accommodating all the guests, exhibitors, and fans that made their way around over the course of the weekend. And in what has become standard practice, the Pint rolled in, press badges in hand for the entirety of the 3 days. Not only were we on site taking photos, furiously updating social media, and talking with industry luminaries, but our very own fearless leaders were invited to spend the weekend at The Charlton Movie booth.
This is how busy we were, I didn’t have a chance to acquire my now standard picture of Sir Jon flipping me off!!! We barely saw one another!!! Special thanks to Ganache for grabbing one for me while getting ready for their Sunday night radio show!!! Yeah that’s right, after 3 straight days at Mohegan Sun, these animals drove back to WESU in Middletown, CT to do their weekly radio show!!! You did know they did a radio show right? Well if not, you best start listening. It’s on the air Sunday nights from 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. on 88.1 WESU FM, or you can listen on the interwebs at , or the tunein radio app.
Terrificon is unique amongst the larger cons in that it has alway been able to hold true to it’s comic roots and it’s no surprise why. If you’ve ever heard Mitch on either Pint O’ Comics or even the Chaz & A.J. Show there is a reason why he is known as the “King of The Nerds”. These huge banners, featuring some of the most iconic covers in comic history lead you into the show, while serving as a reminder of where this all started.
And the Mad Titan greeted you as you walked into the convention center. Thanos is straight up one of my absolute favorite villains, and seeing as how his “father” was in the house it was a nice touch. Speaking of his “father”…….
You like comic legends?? Absolute luminaries of the industry? I present to you: Jim Starlin, Joe Sinnott, and Roy Thomas. These men are part of the bedrock upon which everything we have now was built, and they were right here for us to meet and greet. But that’s not all:
Let’s start from the top: Neil Adams, Tim Seeley, Rags Morales, Paul Mounts, Tom Raney, Jerry Ordway, Joe Rubinstein, and Jason Fabok. Some of the largest names in the industry were all here!!! And this is just a small sample, I literally didn’t have the time to get pictures of everyone, for instance, I was too busy talking Daredevil with Charles Soule to get a picture. Ok, I’ll admit, I turned into a giant fanboy because I love his run on Daredevil. But, you get the point. Some other shows have a small smattering of creators, there were rows upon rows of top tier creators.
Some of our favorite friends were also in attendance. The prolific Tom Ryan from Tom Ryan’s studio, Peter Simeti head honcho at Alterna Comics, and Michael Kelleher of Kellustration Digital Art Restoration. Tom is a fantastic artist and all around wonderful human being. Alterna comics (in my eyes) is doing the “Lord’s work” in the comics industry. They specialize in low cost, high quality books printed the traditional way (NEWSPRINT!!!!) that can be found in all manner of places, not just the LCBS. This is CRITICAL to the future of our hobby. Kellustration on the other end of the spectrum digitally restores the classics so they can be reprinted and enjoyed by a whole new generation of fans, and they have restored some of the most important books ever written such as Amazing Fantasy #15 and Marvel Comics #1.
If you can, visit their websites and check out what they are working on
Just a random smattering of pictures to show you all the different things going on. They had Daleks, a Tardis, The Hulkbuster, Stormtroopers. DC was in attendance with a booth full of goodies, and the autograph area was packed all weekend long. That isn’t even all of it!!! As you can tell there was plenty to keep you occupied for all three days.
And last, but most certainly not least, I want to give major props to Keith Larsen, and Jackie Zbuska from “The Charlton Movie” for hosting the Jo(h)n’s for all three days at their booth. Not only did it give our boys a home base, they also allowed them to live-stream almost 7 hours of content over the course of the weekend. They are fantastic folks, and Keith is an extremely intelligent person with impeccable taste in comics (you can tell because of the Moon Knight shirt he is wearing). If you haven’t heard of The Charlton Movie, please find a moment or two and head over to their website and check out their project, and throw them some support. They are archiving history here people!!! This type of stuff is so important, without dedicated folks like Kieth and Jackie the history, nay, foundation of our hobby disappears, and that would be an irreplaceable loss.
I could go on forever, but simply put, Terrificon is a wonderful show with tons of stuff to do and plenty of people to see. And it is always great to catch up with folks we don’t get to converse every day and maybe get the inside scoop on projects that are in the pipeline. I would like to close by once again thanking the “King Of The Nerds” Mitch Hallock for having us. We truly had a great, albeit tiring weekend.
Until Next Time Everyone
Be Good To Your Fellow Nerds,
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