Here we are yet again, another great event, and another recap piece where yours truly attempts to put a bow on the day’s proceedings.
I’m going to start this one in standard fashion with our now standard picture of Sir Jon Flipping me off, it’s tradition now, I can’t have an article without it. Also take note of the Manster in the foreground, dude has leading man looks doesn’t he ladies???
Now I am going to break from tradition a bit and do this in two parts, part 1 I am entitling “Declining Beauty” and it will be my official submission to the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, here are the 6 videos from the day in order, pay special attention to how our intrepid hosts fall off the cliff as the day wore on. It’s about 12 minutes of your life, but trust me you won’t be disappointed.
I hope you all enjoyed that, now if you had been following the Facebook page over the course of the day you probably already saw those, but it doesn’t make it any less amusing.
Now before I get to the remainder of the photos, I am going to place a few special pictures here, these folks saw me walking around with a camera and asked me to take their photos, I hope they see them and like the shots, I think they came out great!!!
Now on to the remainder of the photos, And I took a LOT of photos, many of them I had to unfortunately scrap because they were blurry (due to inebriation kicking in) but here are the best photos of our day at the Fest:
The Walkup to, and V.I.P. line were real!!! and for the first time EVER, I had my very own photo pass!!! allowed me to take photos all over the venue un molested!!! Thanks College Street!!! (Not Pictured: My photo badge, I forgot to take one)

Two Roads: If you’ve listened to the Podcast I’m sure you’ve heard Ganache raving on about their wares. Well On Saturday he got a chance to meet them in person!!
Our new friends form Local Brewery “Rhythm Brewing Co.” You may have seen Ganache repping the brand on Facebook last night where he was sporting their hat during the radio show on WESU FM 88.1 (6:30 – 7:30 Sunday nights). And please do yourself a favor and check out Rhythm Brewing, they are some of the friendliest people I have ever met!!!
Here is my terrible attempt at a panograph on my Iphone, I was trying to illustrate how packed the place was. Then I found out I could go upstairs!!!
Now these photos were taken at about 1:30 in the afternoon, which was 30 minutes after the doors opened to the general public, counterpoint that to the following photos taken about 2:30 while the first band was on stage:
These Photos are of an extremely talented local band called “Lyon Street Fire” give them a listen, I most certainly am. (And Maybe we can get the Jo(h)n’s to get them on the radio???)
The great thing about a show like this, is that it casts a wide net in terms of vendors, for instance this is “Downeast Cider” out of Boston, MA and a slightly inebriated Ganache trying not to drop that little plastic cup.
This isn’t Ganache getting yelled at, far from it, this is him getting the rundown on the various offerings from Citizen Cider out of Burlington, VT

Coolest shirt of the day award right here: Combining Beer and Comics, sound like anyone else we know?
Did I also happen to mention there was an UPSTARIS TOO!!!! for real there were vendors EVERYWHERE!!!
The second band of the day, and the afternoons headlining act Jason Ingriselli and The Miles North yet another super talented local band that you should give a listen to. Their debut album is available now.
This is how busy it got at the height of the day, the place was absolutely PACKED!!! And this was just the main floor, the upstairs area was just a full, and everyone was having a great time enjoying their shared love of craft beer.
Now I’m going to finish off with a bunch of random photos of the extended Pint Family, and as you will see people were all smiles. What the Jo(h)n’s have built is something special, and I’m proud to be a part of it in some small way.
And I would be remiss not to say thank you to the man who made it all possible, our host for the day, and one of the most charismatic gentleman I have ever had the pleasure to meet: Chris Verrilli he was all over the place on Saturday pulled in 1000 different directions but he always had a smile on his face. So here’s to you Chris, thank you for having us, and we hope that the day was everything you worked for.
Until Next Time Everyone,
Be Good To Your Fellow Nerds!!
P.S. – make sure to check out College Street Music Hall for all their upcoming events, I’ve seen a few shows there, and it is a great venue,
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