HI EVERYBODY!!!! (You will get that reference in a moment, I promise you)
It’s Lou, taking a break from my normally scheduled duties to put together a wrap up of our time at Total Con 32 in Marlborough, Massachusetts ( There will be an upcoming Podcast which will feature some great audio from a bunch of terrific people, but that is only half of the story. For those of you who did not get a chance to see any of the video’s or pictures I posted on the PoC Facebook page over the course of the day yesterday I hope you will take a moment to enjoy.
Our day started in the Parking lot with our intrepid hosts bright eyed and bushy tailed, conducting an impromptu interview.
We then went headed into the show, picked up our badges, and immedatly made our presence known….
There were all manner of vendors there, ranging from gaming and hobby stores, to food vendors selling all manner of tasty treats.
We then headed in to the main hall, where this impressive display was set up. If my wife let me have my way, this is what my basement would look like.
There was also a miniature painting competition taking place, some of the work was absolutely incredible. The amount of patience it takes to do something like this is staggering. As an aside, many of these pictures were taken through glass, so I hope they don’t distort the images too much.
Afterwards Ganache and I got to hang with the good folks at Geek Fever Games, ( and played a fun round of Plus Word, which your’s truly won. We also got to interview Darrin about an upcoming project, so stay tuned to the Podcast for that. From what Ganache was able to let me in on, it showed great promise.
Sir Jon and I ventured off to interview Jeffrey, the creator of “Astonishing Swordsmen, and Sorcerers of Hyperboria” ( It was a great interview that you will get to hear in the very near future.
After a relaxing lunch we headed off to the hotels media center to do a midday recap, where we found out that Sir Jon is apparently the Belle of the Ball.
We then got to talk to Trevor, the creator of the upcoming “Tactical Sci-Fi Miniatures Game” called “Breachstorm” ( It looks fantastic, and the best part, it lets me use a tape measure!!!
We then had the opportunity to try out a fantastic game called “Uber Epic” ( It’s part Stratego, part D&D, part Frag, part Halo, Part Overwatch, and it comes together to make one hell of a cool game. We also spoke to the creator about the challenges of manufacturing in the USA, it was a great behind the scenes convo you don’t get very often.
We finished up the day with a wrap up video, and a great conversation with the events founder Steve Parenteau, who some of you may remember was a recent guest on the Pint O’ Comics radio show (
All in all it was a great day, Steve and his team put on a fantastic show. The hotel was huge, and there wasn’t a room that we saw that did not have a game being played in it. I’ve been to a LOT of cons, both in the gaming and comic book worlds, and I have to tell you, this was one of the best run and most well attended events I have ever seen. If you don’t believe me take a look at these 2 pictures of the main hall at about midday.
That many gamers can’t be wrong….
Until Next Time Everyone,
Be Good To Each Other,
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