Radio Wrap Up 10/6/19 With Mark Masztal And G. Michael Dobbs

October 12, 2019 Author: Lou Federico

This past week the Jo(h)n’s were joined on the weekly radio program by the founders of Bing Comic Con in Springfield, MA, Mark Masztal, and G. Michael Dobbs.

Mark has been in the comic industry for decades, and Mike Dobbs has spent a lifetime in the journalism field, so suffice to say when it comes to comics, art, and the written word these two know their stuff. It was a wonderful hour of radio, and to be told editing it down was difficult. Listen in as they wax philosophic about the advantages of small cons over the larger ones, the importance of FOOD and SEATING at an all day event (way more important than most give it credit for) and the differences from the golden age of cons to these modern “pop culture” expo’s.

Mark also goes into some detail about his newly released omnibus “The Chronicles of Sharpei” (which he will have for sale at Bing, so guess who’s buying a copy???)

And while your on our YouTube channel, make sure to check out our other great videos, featuring interviews from ton’s of industry folks.

Also, shameful plug time for yours truly, take a look at my BRAND NEW T.V. Wrestling blog “Of Marks and Men” where I sit, watch the weeks wrestling offerings on TV, and hurl my thoughts in real time on the screen, I publish it immediately following the show so you can read what I was thinking at exactly the time it was happening.

Also if you are on Twitter, I take over the Twitter feed any time there is wrestling on the tube, so jump in and join the conversation with like minded folks, especially our friends from “Ocho Duro Parlay Hour”, “Bill and Frank Eat Pop Culture”, “Talkmania”, “So Wizard”, and many more!!!

Until Next Time Everyone,

Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,


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