Of Marks And Men – Smackdown Live 10/18/19

Holy moly, Wednesday was another fantastic night for wrestling, both NXT and AEW were on FIRE!!! with some amazing matches (honestly go back and watch both shows if you didn’t get a chance to) But now we turn our attention to the first Smackdown Live of the post draft era.
Coming off the shock news that Bruce Prichard (who famously played “Brother Love”) was promoted to executive V.P. of Smackdown earlier this week it will be interesting to see what he does, or rather, what Vince will LET him do, with what I consider the weaker of the two rosters, and more importantly what’s the story with the former Executive V.P. Eric Bischoff? Did he have a falling out with Vince over the ratings? did he feel that he got the short straw with the roster? Could he not deal with Vince’s non-stop meddling? I’m sure at some point the truth will come out, until then we await his (rumored) appearance at AEW’s “Full Gear” PPV.
But for now, on with the show!!!
8:02 – Whelp, I mused on whether or not Roman can carry the brand on his shoulders, and well it appears as if we are going to open up with him challenging Shinsuke Nakamura for the IC title, and lord help me they are probably going to give him the belt…
8:06 – Is Sami Zayn injured again? I’ve not seen anything on it, and quite frankly I like him in the ring, he seems so underutilized as Shinsuke’s “business partner”, sure he’s getting t.v time but for real??? wrestle…
8:19 – Fucking YAWN…. your biggest star done by 8:20…. and he can’t even put Nakamura over clean, it HAS to be a run in.
8:28 – Can we just stop with the “Shorty” Gable name, its so freaking stupid and doesn’t even work, and completely undermines his character.
So now they are trying to justify the “Shorty” name, and it’s not even working. Just call him “Chad Gable”, or come up with a better name for him, something that doesn’t bury him at the same time they are trying to push him.
8:33 – how do you try to capture viewers on your Friday Night Show?? Hulk Frigging Hogan… it’s amazing how he can still draw at 900 years old.
8:41 – If nothing else much like I predicted, this roster is allowing lesser used stars to shine, and there are some really talented people who are going to get some nice TV time and pushes because of it.
8:51 – Don’t really understand this tag team thing they have going on outside of letting a bunch of people get some time. It’s pretty boring TBH, I honestly checked out of the match for a bit and listened to “Bill and Frank Eat Pop Culture’s” LIVE Podbean show which was far more entertaining.
9:00 – AW YEAH!!! here we go!!! First Heel Bayley Interview!!!! God the most needed heel turn EVER, and I’m ALL IN on it.
9:07 – Those kids crying videos during Bayley’s promo were completely cringe, just have her do heel things… attack people… destroy them with chairs. I can’t get on board with a “whiny” heel… when your entire turn revolves around nobody giving you a hug it’s not going to last. She needs to double down on it.
9:23 – I RELLY like the fact that they are getting as many people in the ring as possible, this is why even though it’s the weaker roster, it has its upside, and it’s allowing them to get some stories established.
9:37 – Drew Gulak wrestling Braun Strowman, so now we are going to turn Gulak into a glorified jobber? freaking sad… he’s to good for this. He’s fantastic. Taking another wonderful indie wrestler, bury him on TV, and then make him a headliner on the WWE App.
9:47 – So now we get Roman TWICE IN ONE SHOW!!!! milk that golden goose boys!!!! wow, just what the show needs Roman to not put anyone over TWICE!!!!!
I tell you this, while I enjoyed the show, they need to not rely on Reign’s so damn much, they have a stable of awesome mid card talent that will only get better with more time and TV work. While RAW is more the “now” Smackdown is most definitely “The Future”.
Until Next Time Everyone,
Be Good To Your Fellow Nerd,
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