Ganache Mish-Mosh

A new column where I give you quick rundowns on some of the books, movies, shows and other pop culture nuggets I ingested over the course of the previous week.
Justice League #1- DC has rebooted their premiere team book and with that comes writer Scott Snyder and artist Jim Cheung. Cheung has been a favorite since his days drawing the awesome CrossGen title Scion way back in the early 2000’s and then cut a swathe through Marvel for several years. Snyder is more hit or miss for me, but I did really enjoy his New 52 run on Batman, and his take on Swamp Thing too. This issue relied in many ways on the reader having read the recent Dark Knights: Metal story as well as the 4 part prelude No Justice mini series. I read neither, nor did I read JL during it’s original run since DC Rebirth. The Source Wall, a longtime DC landmark in outer space has apparently been destroyed and something, either malevolent or benevolent is sent hurtling towards Earth. The members of the League discuss their course of action or inaction to see the results. In a confusing move to me at the least, they decide to and then destroy the moon. Meanwhile in a subplot, Lex Luthor murders a long standing DC villain with an invisible doorknob, and recruits members for a certain Legion. This was certainly an interesting first issue, I will give it a few more to see where it is going. Out of the two recent big team #1 issues, I enjoyed Jason Aaron’s take on The Avengers over at Marvel through two issues more so far.
The Man Of Steel #1 and #2- Now on to Brian Bendis’ debut for the Distinguished Competition, as he takes over as the writer for Superman and Action Comics. Before that happens, he is laying the groundwork for his run with this six issue, weekly mini. In it, Supes is tracking down a serial arsonist in Metropolis, Clark is dealing with the unexplained disappearance of Lois Lane and their son Jon all while a previously unheard of alien menace’s backstory is detailed. I enjoyed these two issues and look forward to where this story takes us into the other books, Superman at the least as I do not read Action Comics.
Star Wars: Rebels- Great show. Yes, I know it is long over at this point, but I have been slowly watching over the last year. I am currently in the third of four seasons, and just watched an excellent two parter called Ghosts of Geonosis. I love how this show can take elements of films I disliked (prequels) and show that poor execution doesn’t make the plot elements bad necessarily. Geonosis was the planet in Attack Of The Clones inhabited by tech savvy bug like creatures that the fledgling Empire used for production of droids and weaponry. Also as hinted in that film, a certain space station was being planned there as well. Years later our Jedi characters of Ezra and Kanaan investigate the suddenly barren of life planet and find a character seen recently in the 2016 film Rogue One. This was truly an excellent use of characters from different segments of the overall canon. If you love Star Wars but have not been pleased by the last batch of cinematic offerings, check out Rebels, it is a truly excellent show focused on new characters with an abundance of familiar faces and often times familiar voices involved.
Cobra Kai- I was excited for this from the first word I read about it. In a world where so many things let us down, it is refreshing when something lives up to expectations. Cobra Kai exceeds. The continuing story of The Karate Kid, taking place in real time, 34 years after the events of the 1984 classic. Daniel has grown into a successful businessman who has a loving family. Johnny has grown into a blackout drunk with an extremely estranged teen son. Johnny decides to restart the Cobra Kai dojo, his Alma Mater as it were and take on new students. The idea of what Cobra Kai stood for under presumed dead bully Sensei John Kreese does not fit in with Daniel’s plans for his community, and thus restarts the rivalry. That is hardly what the entire show is about though, as we follow multiple new and old characters who are involved as well. Ralph Macchio and William Zabka seem to age at a different rate than most, and play this as it should be, straight. A mistake would have been to jam in too much tongue in cheek humor, but the reverence for the characters and the fandom is firmly intact. 10 episodes at a half hour each went by like nothing, and all I can hope for is that the recently greenlit second season can maintain the quality seen here.
Alright, see you next time here on the Mish-Mosh!
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