I grew up a gamer, I got my original NES back in 1986 and never looked back. Video games have always been in my life and I love them dearly, but there was a time when the idea of a “Gamer Con” was a pipe dream. Many of the younger readers may not know this but for a huge portion of my life, to be a gamer was to be a loser, an outcast, someone to be ridiculed for playing those “kids games”. The idea of games as POPULAR was never a thought that I had, let alone an entire 2 days dedicated to all things gaming. But, this is where I found myself, surrounded by people of all ages united by the love video games, and what a time it was. So feel free to peruse all the pictures, and my accompanying thoughts on what was a fantastic weekend.
What would a Con be without the now standard video update, once again Ganache and Sir Jon led the charge with yours truly behind the camera. (which is where I will always be, as I have the classic “Face For Radio” )
I then took my leave of the guys and started my stalk around the floor where the first table I encountered had some fantastic gamer themed artwork, and I loved them so much that Samus now graces my living room wall
There were also some amazing comic and game themed statues for sale. I so wanted the Harley Quinn in the 2nd picture, but I am not made of money. And while my wife who has a pretty sizeable Harley Quinn collection would have appreciated the statue, she would not have appreciated the hit to our bank account.
The Boys then sat down with Steven Christina’s “Super Retro Throwback Reviews” Podcast for a short spot which should be airing shortly. Steven is a really hard working guy and you should definitely check out his Podcast.
After the spot, I took a break for some lunch, and hit the floor again to look at all the awesome classic gaming stuff. Everywhere I looked I saw something that brought back memories of my youth, and the excitement of getting a new game.
The day wasn’t all about video games either, Wallingford based gaming shop “The Dragons Lair” was in attendance as well. It is a fantastic and family friendly shop, definitely stop on by to support them. They have everything from D & D to Magic the Gathering, and they run weekly tournaments, and other events.
The gaming hall was packed all day, with classic consoles as far as the eye can see, along with hosting Super Smash Brothers and League Of Legends tournaments. Microsoft was in full attendance as well, and brought along some serious hardware for everyone to enjoy. As an unabashed Xbox fanboy this made me ridiculously happy.
Now you may not be able to see it, but that Nintendo 64 has the greatest FPS ever developed sitting in it, and that would be “Goldeneye”. Ganache and I sat down for a quick round, and I am proud to say that the old reflexes snapped right back in, and I beat him handily.
There was also some pretty sick cosplay in attendance, and as usual Overwatch was the star of the show, with a special appearance by everyone’s favorite Bavarian Tank.
There were also pinball machines, full arcade cabinets, and even a full Rock Band setup for everyone to enjoy.
Add to this all the vendors, artists, and friends of The Pint that we talked to all day, and I’m sure you can see it was quite the production. Even with Ganache constantly trying to get under my skin by repeatedly saying that “The Last Jedi” was a good movie to anyone who would listen I had a wonderful time.
As a final thought, and I mentioned this to Ganache as well. I am so happy that all the kids in attendance are growing up in a world where all the things that I was made fun of for liking as a kid are now popular. It’s such a great time to be a gamer, a comic book lover, a Star Wars fan, a Trekker, a Dungeons and Dragons player. And I thank people like Mitch Hallock for putting on these terrific shows. Which reminds me, check out Mitch’s OTHER show “Terrificon” Also taking place at Mohegan Sun this August.
Until next time everyone, be good to one another, us gamers have to stick together!!!
Lou (Skywalker) – That’s for you Ganache.
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