Gaming Point Of Lou: Samus Returns!!!!

July 8, 2017 Author: Lou Federico

For my first column, I wanted to highlight one of the massive (at least for me) reveals from this years Electronic Entertainment Expo (or E3 for short). Nintendo shocked all of us old school gamers by
announcing the first proper Metroid sequel in 13 years!!!
Samus Returns, is a reimagining of 1991’s Metroid 2, where intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran is sent by the Galactic Federation to SR338, the Metroid home world to eradicate them.
Development is being handled by Spanish Developer Merury Steam (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow), and the project is being overseen by longtime Metroid creator Yoshio Sakamoto who has been involved with the series since it’s inception in 1986.

What sets this version apart from the original, outside of the usual fare of updated graphics, and 3D backgrounds in a 2D space, is the addition of a few new combat abilities for our heroine. First, Samus now has the ability to free aim, no longer will your shooting ability be based simply on the cardinal directions of a standard D-pad, but will encompass a full 360 degrees. A melee counter attack has been added to her combat repertoire, and most interestingly, she now has access to ͞Aeion Abilities͟. Nintendo didn’t go into too much detail about these, except to say that they are tied to an energy gauge, one that they did show off was called ͞Scan Pulse͟, which will allow Samus to see more of her mini map, revealing secret passages, and pathways.

My take:

I don’t have the adjectives to describe how excited I am for this game, I have loved the 2D Metroid games since I was a child (yes, I am old enough to have played the original when it was new, and I vividly remember having to write down the old ͞save codes͟) I never fell in love with the ͞Prime͟ series and in my opinion Metroid belongs in 2D, it’s not a FPS, and their attempts at trying different things with the franchise over the past decade have fallen flat with me. Samus will officially return on September 15th.

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