G.I. Gary’s Pull List Pick of the Week 7/13/17
Reading through this Wednesday’s comics and I’d say the pick of the week is:
Defenders #3 by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez
The third issue of this (currently weekly) comic shows the series is well on its way and going somewhere. The storyline is separate from what is going on in the individual titles, so right now there are no cross overs or other books you need to read to stay current with this. Bendis is able to mix the serious parts of the first half of the book with a little humor before going dark again with the third act of the issue. So far the theme of this series has been each Defender taking on Diamondback on their own (as they haven’t become a “team” yet) and Bendis does pull out a great cliff hanger that was definitely unexpected, if not unseen before. The dialogue has been nothing less than fantastic. I liked the way Bendis used banter between bystanders to give an abbreviated origin of Luke Cage and Diamondback. The art is exceptional with Marquez doing a great job plotting, pacing, and in general making things very attractive and dynamic.
If I was to have one reservation about the issue is that the tagline (“The Punisher Strikes!”) falls flat. The book starts after the initial “strike” and when the Punisher returns, its over very shortly after it started. Otherwise another solid entry in a new series that I have been enjoying.
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